Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Mercury poisoning

Those nominations in full, then, bearing in mind that if you discount 'A N Other Jazzer' and 'A N Other Folkie' I got five out of ten in my educated predictions. Sorry, Athlete, British Sea Power, Doves, James Blunt and Roots Manuva. Why am I apologising to James Blunt?

Antony And The Johnsons – I Am A Bird Now
This is a cheat way of getting it into a British album award, isn't it? Antony's originally from Chichester, yes, but everything about it is New York born and bred. Victoria Newton won't get it.

Bloc Party – Silent Alarm
Almost the political option in this company, and doing well for themselves as at least my local big venue gig in late October is already long sold out (anyone selling at face value o.n.o.?) How does Matt Tong keep his glasses in place for a whole gig?

Coldplay – X&Y
Parachutes didn't win, Rush Of Blood didn't win, this won't win. But at least the papers have a hook to hang these nominations on.

The Go! Team – Thunder, Lightning Strike
This year's lovely surprise, if not hugely consistent. Apparently held up from US release by Ian Parton suddenly realising he hadn't had permission granted for all the samples. Home sampling is killing music!

Hard-Fi – Stars Of CCTV
Part of the NME's Summer Of Ska, despite the minor detail of not being ska. Still sound like Kasabian as heard through foam.

Kaiser Chiefs – Employment
Well, there's a shock. This will be favourite on the night (6th September, if you must know) and thus won't come close to the prize even if Edinburgh TV festival discussions are being named after their songs.

KT Tunstall – Eye To The Telescope
Just couldn't bring themselves to approve Blunt, then. Not the quasi-Dido many have her down as, although the production does its best. Probably the nominee most likely to be good drinking company.

The Magic Numbers – The Magic Numbers
Virtually had 'Pick Me, Gambo' stickered on the front of the CD. The fact the award will be given out at the end of festival season is surely no coincidence. Were I a betting man, I'd be putting a tenner I can't really afford to lose on this.

Maximo Park – A Certain Trigger
I did wonder whether the Futureheads qualified for this year, and if this has got in the panel must have too.

MIA – Arular
Still hugely popular with critics, and judging by how this week saw her third single follow the two before and album by missing the top 75 completely still hugely unpopular with the public.

Polar Bear – Held On The Tips Of Fingers
This year's token jazzer and object of forthcoming Scott Mills mock scorn. Modern jazz, and thus unlistenable to the layman.

Seth Lakeman – Kitty Jay
This year's token folkie, an Oysterband sideman digging back through British (Devon in his case) history in a traditional style. Will be talked up as having had the biggest post-nomination sales spike, largely because it'll be selling bugger all at the moment.


Simon said...

Good point. I thought the 'original' Polar Bear were American, but I'll look into it. I nearly managed to confuse them with Panda Bear, solo offshoot from Animal Collective, in my writeup, which would only have muddied those waters.

Simon said...

In fact, the 'original' Polar Bear were the then current band of Jane's Addiction bassist Eric Avery, whereas this Polar Bear are a London collective formed by one of Acoustic Ladyland (and compared in one review I've found to both Beethoven and Rip Rig & Panic, which you'd have to say is a unique position).

Anonymous said...

Okay, I promise I hadn't read this entry before I replied to your comment on my site earlier (about MIA)

(I'd like either her or The Go! Team to win, as the latter are nice to interview (name-dropping KLANG! ahoy!))

Ian Snappish.

Anonymous said...

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